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Compass Primary School

Caring for our Families

Compass Primary Academy has a dedicated Wellbeing Team available to support pupils and their families.

The Wellbeing and Safeguarding offices, which are at the centre of the school, have open-door policies for pupils and their families. The Wellbeing Team focusses on supporting attendance, wellbeing and welfare, working with external agencies to access the relevant support and intervention for families. The team also work collaboratively to address safeguarding and child protection concerns.  The team offer nurture, care, safety and emotional support in a calm and caring environment with a child centred focus.

The Wellbeing Team consists of:

  • Mr C Reilly - Safeguarding Senior Lead & DSL  
  • Miss K Strudwick - Safeguarding Officer
  • Miss D Gillett - Senior Student Support Officer
  • Mrs A Jones - Pupil Champion & Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
  • Miss S Watson - Pastoral Teaching Assistant

We acknowledge the uniqueness of every child and work in partnership with our parents to ensure we meet the physical and emotional needs of every pupil.

We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities to extend, enhance and encourage active learning and to nurture our pupils to achieve their full potential.

Pastoral care is provided both within small groups and on a 1:1 basis. Individual needs are met through:

  • Bereavement Counselling
  • Drawing & Talking 
  • Transition Support
  • Emotional Literacy Support
  • Attendance Monitoring and Support
  • Personal Development Groups 
  • Self Esteem and Confidence Building Support
  • Sibling Support Groups
  • Social Skills Programmes
  • Protective Behaviour Sessions
  • Family and Parental Support
  • Young Carers Support Group 

We have built excellent collaborations with many external agencies, the community and support programmes to provide the best opportunities for our pupils and their families to flourish. These include:

  • Parenting programmes
  • Adult learning opportunities
  • Regular parental engagement opportunities to further support pupils’ progress
  • School Nurse led sessions and information workshops
  • In-school foodbank
  • Early Help Assessments
  • Signposting to specific agencies and organisations