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Compass Primary School


There is no Pre-School uniform however we suggest your child wears the following:

  • Elasticated trousers (i.e. leggings/joggers)
  •  T-shirt/top
  • Jumper

You can purchase a fleece with the Pre-School logo from Karl Sports, Cunliffe Drive, Kettering, however this is an optional item.

Clothes must be practical and easy for the children to manage themselves. Dungarees, belts and buttoned trousers are not recommended. Please remember your chid will be playing and they are very likely to get messy!

Please ensure that all clothing and shoes are named and that a full change of clothes is kept on your child’s peg.

If your child wears earrings they must only wear stud earrings at Pre-School.

Your child must wear flat shoes or trainers with a closed toe. We suggest Velcro shoes as these help your child to be independent. Lace-up shoes are not suitable. Your child will also need a pair of wellies which will be kept at nursery so they can play outside whatever the weather!