Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers." - Shakuntala Devi
Maths Intent:
At Compass Primary Academy, we echo the National Curriculum in that we believe mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. At Compass Primary, we aim to provide a high-quality mathematics education that provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Maths Implementation:
A typical maths lesson here at Compass Primary Academy encourages children to become fluent in each small step before moving on to explore reasoning of the step and solve problems with increasing difficulty.
Children in our school are entitled to receive 3 arithmetic lessons per week, in addition to their discreet maths lesson. The other 2 sessions will be dedicated towards times table rehearsal. Teachers can choose to timetable their arithmetic lesson so it is attached to their maths lesson or alternatively they could teach it at a different window in the day.
Arithmetic lessons should be 10 minutes long. The first 3 minutes is quiet time for children to answer the 3 arithmetic questions provided to them. The remaining 7 minutes should be full of child-led talk, where the class discuss how they answered each question. Children should be mark their own work (using a different coloured pen) during the arithmetic session and their scores are subsequently recorded on the maths wall. There is a section at the top of the arithmetic sheet which allows the children to record their predicted score (P) and actual score (A). All arithmetic work should be recorded in a separate arithmetic book.
Discreet multiplication lessons are taught twice a week for between 10 and 15 minutes. This is in addition to a times table test at the end of the week. Effective teaching of multiplication will maximise the potential of a ‘little and often’ approach. To supplement this further, make the most of opportunities such as lining up, transitions from carpet to tables and other classroom transitions.
Lessons are taught on the days where arithmetic is not taught. Each multiplication session should include chanting of the focus table and regular use of the counting stick. It may well also include a game or another form of rehearsal and finish with a times table frenzy or practice on online.
White Rose Hub:
Through the White Rose approach to maths each step is carefully planned out using a variety of representations (pictorial, abstract and concrete) as we realise that all children learn in different ways. It is this variation that enables children to become more successful when making links to different concepts and also being able to adapt to problems seen in a variety of ways. Our mastery approach to maths enables all children to become fluent in maths, whilst being able to reason and problem solve – whatever their ability and gives them a secure and solid foundation for their next stage of education.